Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France - Standard terms and conditions
All orders issued by the customer to - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France implies acceptance of these general conditions of sale.
- The goods are sold by - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France ex works, unless otherwise specified, to the place indicated in the order, with transportation and packaging invoiced in addition.
- The goods are supplied at the risk of the consignee, even if shipping is carried out at the expense of - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France. It is up to the consignee on delivery of the goods to make the reservations provided for by law in the event of loss, delay, damage or missing goods.
- No goods can be returned without the prior written consent of - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France. Where applicable, goods must be returned carriage paid, and will be taken back subject to a rebate, the amount of which is specified on the notification. This rebate cannot be less than 15% of the purchase price. In all cases, no return will be accepted for fast-moving parts, for parts no longer appearing on the price list, for parts out of stock or for parts received assembled, positioned or incomplete. Any request for return may not be less than a net amount of 150 Euros, excluding tax, and will be subject to a compensation order • Excluding cases of defects or non-compliance of the product, the warranty on parts supplied by - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France is for 24 months, and applies from the delivery date specified of the consignment. It cannot be implemented during the period previously laid down in the event where the part has been subject to abnormal use. The warranty does not apply to defects whose cause is subsequent to delivery, in particular in case of poor maintenance or incorrect installation. This warranty is applicable subject to the necessary checks carried out by our company. Unless otherwise instructed, the parts deemed to be defective must be returned to our company, carriage paid, with a document showing the following information: part N° reference, fitment date, date of removal of the part, Make, Model and year of registration, mileage, the fault claimed, and the name and address of the beneficiary. After examination and agreement of the validity of the warranty claim - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France, our company will limit its warranty to the reimbursement of parts acknowledged to be defective. We will not be obliged to pay any compensation for accidents to persons or damage to property distinct from the defective part or loss of earnings.
- To be applicable, the prices, discounts and payment terms granted by - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France must have been notified in writing to its customers. • Our prices are to be paid 30 days end-of-month net. Invoices are issued on the day of delivery. Any claims concerning a delivery do not exempt customers from paying invoices when due. Payment terms cannot be changed or delayed for any reason whatsoever.
- Retention of title: In accordance with Law n° 8.335 of May 12, 1980, our company retains ownership of the goods until full payment of the price by the buyer. • Any challenge by the customer relating to any part of the commercial relationship with - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France (invoice, commercial cooperation agreement, miscellaneous claims, etc.) may not be taken into account after the expiry of a period of nine months from the occurrence of the challenged event. Therefore, any claim relating in particular the payment of sums (discounts/commercial cooperation and payment of other services) which may be due in respect of year N must reach - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France no later than on September 30 of year N + 1. Otherwise, the claim will be de facto inadmissible.
- By express agreement, and unless a payment extension is requested in time and granted by us, non-payment of our supplies when due shall render all outstanding amounts payable, regardless of the agreed payment terms. - Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France also reserves the right to require, depending on its assessment of the circumstances of the non-payment and the continuity of its business interests, the payment: - Of late penalties equal to three times the legal interest rate which is equal to the interest rate applied by the European Central Bank to its most recent refinancing operation, plus 10 percentage points. - Since January 1, 2013 the amount of the lump-sum fee for recovery costs under Article L.441-6 is 40 €. - Of compensation of 10 % as a penalty clause.
- In addition, in case of non-payment on the agreed date,
Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France reserves the right to suspend deliveries in progress and the performance of its own obligations until payment of the outstanding amounts. In the event of legal challenge, regardless of the origin of the orders and payment method, the Courts of Lille shall have sole jurisdiction, even in the event of multiple defendants or the introduction of third parties. Société nouvelle Quinton Hazell France. 79 rue du Chemin Vert. 59273 FRETIN Adresse postale : CS90147 59811 Lesquin cedex SASU au capital de 4 550 000 Euros. RCS Lille Métropole -Siret 793 106006 00026 - CODE NAF 4531Z N° d’identification TVA FR83 793 106 006