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Gas Spring, boot-/cargo area


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Gas Spring, boot-/cargo area brand QUINTON HAZELL and reference QTS128377

Characteristics of the article :

  • Length [mm] 507.0 mm
  • Stroke [mm] 210.0 mm
  • Extention Force [N] 610 N
  • Piston Rod Diameter [mm] 8.0 mm
  • Housing Diameter [mm] 18.0 mm

OEM references

OPEL 90 379 081 1 32 675

IAM references

BOGE G10268
HK G10268
LESJÖFORS 8194621 8163427
MAPCO 20788
TRISCAN 8710 24208

OMEGA B Estate (V94)

136cv Petrol 2.2 DTI 16V (F35, M35, P35) 120cv Diesel 2.6 V6 (F35, M35, P35) 180cv Petrol 3.2 V6 (F35, M35, P35) 218cv Petrol 2.2 16V (F35, M35, P35) 144cv Petrol 2.2 DTI 16V (F35, M35, P35) 120cv Diesel 2.0 (F35, M35, P35) 115cv Petrol 2.0 DTI 16V (F35, M35, P35) 101cv Diesel 2.5 TD (F35, M35, P35) 131cv Diesel 3.0 V6 (F35, M35, P35) 211cv Petrol 2.5 DTI (F35, M35, P35) 150cv Diesel 2.5 V6 (F35, M35, P35) 196cv Petrol

OMEGA (B) Estate (V94)

131cv Diesel 2.2 DTI 16V 120cv Diesel 2.0 16V 136cv Petrol 2.5 V6 194cv Petrol 2.6 V6 180cv Petrol 2.2 16V 147cv Petrol
Reference Quantity Total
End of life item, item not returned
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